How long does it take to get 6 whitewater kayak molds up and running EJ?   That is a good question and I officially have that answer, or at least how long it took this time around.    Apex’s first Whitewater Mold was operational in March of 2023 and in May of 2024 the 6th mold is ready, the Small Ringer.    The big news is that the Small Ringer is a boat that, while isn’t the highest demand mold, if it is the right boat for you, then you need it!   My Son, KC, is waiting for this boat and it will be a fun one for him.   There are some very excited people who have been very patient and we thank you.    This boat will be used by lighter weight boaters who struggle much more with the weight of a plastic boat than someone in a large boat.    Why?  Because the weights of the boats are only subtlety different while the weight and strength of the paddlers are often double.

KC makes a face holding his 16.5 pound rebound with his fingers.

Joe Ball smiles with his 20 pound Large Rebound- he weighs 2 times as much as KC

Example:  KC is 105 pounds and his small Antix was 38 pounds.     A large Antix is say 45 pounds on the website.    A Large Antix paddler is often 220 pounds, more than 2 times as heavy as KC.   So if their large Antix was 76 pounds both paddlers would be lifting the same amount of weight relative to their body weight.      Point is that the small person getting into Carbon Fiber has more weight savings value than the large paddler does.    Small women, older people, kids, are all going to be so fired up to have an 8’8” boat that weighs barely over 20 pounds.  

Welcome to the quiver, the Small Ringer- Debuts in the USA and Europe in June of 2024.
