Dave Spears of Tip-a-Canoe, a livery in Tennessee since 1972 saw the cream-colored Ringer on my Facebook page and decided he had to have it. Dave learned to roll years ago, but never actually used it in whitewater and had since forgotten. It was time to get a new boat, a new roll, and start enjoying the sport he is bringing to so many people at his own rental business. When Dave arrived I had his boat out and ready to outfit. We put in his footbraces, hip pads, and positioned his seat, added the custom thigh hook foam pieces to make it fit like a glove and zipped his boat bag on.
He didn’t come planning on paddling. I asked him a couple of times, “want to go paddle it?” “I really have to get back.” he said…. Finally, he broke down and decided to go. I lent him shorts and gear and we hit Rock Island at 1700 cfs. Step one was teaching him to roll again, and step two was getting him through the rapids. He did a good job on the roll, but still needs some practice. He is a lefty and wanted to roll on the left. No problem. We had him doing the extended paddle roll immediately, and then the regular roll almost right away after that. He showed a strong aptitude for being able to have a bomb-proof roll. Smiles and high-fives made it all worth it for me.
As I write this Cheryl, my famous first Ringer customer, and video star assistant just arrived and we are going to try out the Rebound today. I am trying not to push one on her, even though she is doing my Ottawa clinic and will be kicking herself if she doesn’t have one there. “This stuff sells itself.” I like to say. She wants to try one… and we have all of the colors available right now, so she is in luck if she decides to pull the trigger. She is dressed and waiting for me right now… Let me put this video that I made of Dave from yesterday here and I will get dressed and hit the water with Cheryl and KC!
Also- Craig, will be filming some this weekend so we can complete the strokes and concepts course, or at least close, and we can do the Intro to Kayak Fishing skills video.