by Eric Jackson | Dec 27, 2024 | Uncategorized
Everyone who kayaks is concerned about their shoulders. Most of the time, for most people, little to no trauma exists for them, but for anyone who goes hard and long enough, you’ll likely experience injury at some point. I have watched amazing kayakers...
by Eric Jackson | Dec 6, 2024 | Apex Party, Featured, News, Whitewater Blogs, Whitewater Resources
From EJ: “This is written by my good German friend, Hewo, who has been paddling many years, is 62 years old, and still competing! He is head coach of the German team and will compete in the World Championships this year in the Master’s Class. I will...
by Eric Jackson | Dec 5, 2024 | Apex Fishing, Fishing Blogs, Fishing Resourcs, Product Information
The TYR is the real deal. It is born, made, and acts different. At 1/3rd or less of the weight of a typical plastic fishing kayak, and bred to make fishing simple and productive, it is a joy to paddle, or motor around, while getting places that just...
by Eric Jackson | Dec 2, 2024 | EJ's Blog, Lifestyle, News, Product Information, Whitewater Blogs, Whitewater Resources
Why Does Apex Watercraft Exist? What drives us at Apex Watercraft? What is our purpose, and why do we create what we do? These are fundamental questions, especially when producing a promotional video. Rather than crafting a typical highlight reel full of whitewater...
by Eric Jackson | Nov 22, 2024 | Uncategorized
I was invited to come compete in the Mexican National Championships this past weekend in the Northern State of Nuevo Leon, Mexico on “El Cuchillo” lake by Jerry who owns “Iron Kayaker”. I have done a lot of whitewater kayaking around...