by Eric Jackson | Dec 21, 2023 | Instructional, Rolling and Bracing, Whitewater Blogs, Whitewater Resources
Here is what my kids had to say when they were just learning… Still applies today. Now Emily and Nick are teaching their kids, and so many others are teaching theirs. 🙂...
by Eric Jackson | Dec 20, 2023 | EJ's Blog, Lifestyle, Resources, Whitewater Blogs
Starting with the 1993 World Championships for Freestyle (Rodeo)- Horst from Germany (HF Brand of gear) created this video. I was sponsored by Dagger and paddling a Dagger Transition (RPM prototype basically). Wavesport 1997 Wavesport 1999 Dashboard Burrito by Chris...
by Eric Jackson | Dec 15, 2023 | Apex Fishing, Fishing Blogs, Fishing Resourcs, Instructional, Kayak Fishing
When fishing at Guntersville, I was bringing 4-5 rods my first trips when I had no idea how I would be catching them. I am now bringing 1 frog rod and one 1punching rod and one spare in case I break something horsing big fish out of the weeds with 50-65 pound...
by Eric Jackson | Dec 11, 2023 | Apex Fishing, EJ's Blog, Featured, Fishing Blogs, Whitewater Blogs
When is the right time to get an Apex? Whether you are a first-time beginner or learned to paddle back in the 70’s and are still going, a lightweight kayak makes your time on and off the water super fun. There is no getting around the fact that carrying...
by Eric Jackson | Nov 29, 2023 | Apex Fishing, EJ's Blog, Fishing Blogs, Fishing Resourcs, Kayak Fishing
The Sunday after Thanksgiving I took Emily to fish in Alabama to check out some backwaters that are perfect for the Apex Tyr. In my family the only person other than myself who is truly “addicted” to fishing is Emily. Kristine stayed home and it is...