by Eric Jackson | Apr 25, 2023 | EJ's Blog, Fishing Blogs, Fishing Resourcs, Resources, Whitewater Blogs, Whitewater Resources
JoeBall was there for the first world’s first Apex whitewater kayaks being delivered and quality controlled. Joe is a retired Military Veteran in operations with an active Top Secret/SCI Security clearance. He managed programs, directed readiness training for...
by Eric Jackson | Apr 24, 2023 | EJ's Blog, News, Product Information, Whitewater Blogs, Whitewater Resources
Today was another breakthrough day for me in the Ringer. The river here in Columbus is running a low 2 generators and not a good level to train on Good Wave for USA Team Trials. Instead of hanging out, I decided to take the Ringer out for a spin. While I...
by Eric Jackson | Apr 24, 2023 | EJ's Blog, Whitewater Blogs
Tips for people who have been out of the paddling scene and are looking at getting back in. I have been paddling for 45 years and have watched a lot of people step away from the sport and want back in, but have too many hurdles to do so, or so they think. If this...
by Eric Jackson | Apr 24, 2023 | EJ's Blog, Whitewater Blogs, Whitewater Resources
Teaching the roll is something that I dedicated much of my professional life to. Unfortunately for paddlers, there are a lot of different techniques out there that are taught, and a lot of “old wives tales” related to what is a safe and proficient roll. On the...
by Eric Jackson | Apr 20, 2023 | EJ's Blog, Instructional, Product Information, Whitewater Blogs, Whitewater Resources
My boat ready to paddle! The Ringer is designed to be custom fit to your body without a lot of bells and whistles. Simplistic, functional, and lightweight. When you first unbox your Ringer you’ll find it suspended in the tough cardboard box, and wrapped in...
by Eric Jackson | Mar 14, 2023 | EJ's Blog, Resources, Whitewater Blogs, Whitewater Resources
Quality isn’t a marketing term. Quality can be measured, seen, felt, and experienced on the water. Here are the steps taken and outcomes that result from those steps to create the undeniable quality when you see, touch, and paddle this boat. Luckily, my dad...