Starting with a lightweight boat that you can carry with one hand, or drag easily, Apex keeps the fishing experience simple. Easy rod storage, flush mounted electronics if you use them, magnets for closing hatches and holding hooks. “Simple Elegance” describes the boat well.
Tyr Fishing Kayak
Overcome by the desire for a lightweight, high-performance fishing kayak, EJ decided it was time to assemble a team of experts and enthusiasts to bring his vision to life. Paddle-powered, fast, nimble, and versatile, this kayak is crafted from the finest materials: carbon fiber, epoxy, Innegra, foam core, cork, super magnets, and a custom wrap to complete the package.
Each kayak is a masterpiece, crafted by passionate individuals with unmatched expertise and a track record of excellence—all done by hand.
Hull Design: Created by Bob Blair to EJ’s specifications—low draft, stable, fast, and highly maneuverable.
Seat Design: Developed by Mark Nordstrom and EJ, inspired by race cars and Olympic racing kayak seats, drawing from EJ’s wealth of experience.
Plug Shaping: Led by Pat Keller, renowned whitewater kayak designer and athlete.
Production Plug and Mold Finishing: Overseen by Russ Emanis, an advanced composites guru.
This kayak isn’t just a vessel—it’s an invitation to spend more time on the water than ever before.
Apex TYR Fishing Kayak Promo/Brand Video- 2025
Pre-Order Your Apex Watercraft Tyr Today
After 18 months of hard work, a lot of capital put into this project, the dream is becoming a reality! This amazing piece of recreational and fishing equipment is finally going to be available for purchase. We had quite a few pre-orders in August of 2020 when we...
Fishing Unpressured Water
Story and photos by Brad Weigmann How far would you go up a reservoir to catch a bass? Would you go up until your trolling motor hits bottom or your skeg on your boat is dragging in the mud? Is the risk of getting run aground worth the reward of unpressured, hungry...
Apex Party- Messing with Texas –
At this stage in our operation we have the opportunity for experiencing plenty of “Firsts”. Apex Watercraft Customer #1- Jeff Sims, with his first fish out of the Tyr On Wednesday the 21st, Craig Heflin and I drove from Rock Island, Tennessee, to Fort Worth, Texas. ...