Introducing a line of whitewater kayaks that welcomes paddlers to a lighter and easier on-water experience for playboating and river running!

If you want to introduce some new excitement into your playboating life, the Rebound will do just that. It makes everything you are trying to do easier, and the things you are able to do bigger, faster, and more retentively. Lightweight performance designed by someone you know will do it right. Unlock your potential today and start paddling the lightest playboat on the market.

The future of “1/2 slice” paddling. A whitewater river runner that was designed to win the Extreme Slalom international events, such as the World Championships and Olympics. Don’t let its thoroughbred nature intimidate you if you are just learning. Lightweight carbon fiber construction makes loading, unloading, carrying, and definitely paddling all easier than pushing around twice as much weight in a plastic boat. If you want to learn to use edges, and learn to squirt, or just like to go fast, this is your boat.
Brand New Apex Watercraft Ringer finds a new home and gets on some local whitewater
Dave Spears of Tip-a-Canoe, a livery in Tennessee since 1972 saw the cream-colored Ringer on my Facebook page and decided he had to have it. Dave learned to roll years ago, but never actually used it in whitewater and had since forgotten. It was time to get a...
S-Turn Stroke- How to Whitewater Kayak- EJ’s Strokes and Concepts
S-Turn Stroke The S-Turn Stroke is a combination of a Forwards Sweep, a closed face stern draw, a feather forwards of the paddle (our first feathering exercise) and then a forward sweep to turn the boat the other way… then repeat. Sweep, Draw, Feather Forward,...
How to Whitewater Kayak- The C-Stroke- EJ’s Strokes and Concepts
The C-Stroke is your first compound stroke. This means you are mixing two different strokes into one. C-Stroke The C- Stroke is a combination of a closed-faced bow draw and a forward stroke. Remember when we did the drill where we paddled around in a circle using...