by Eric Jackson | Apr 20, 2023 | EJ's Blog, Instructional, Product Information, Whitewater Blogs, Whitewater Resources
My boat ready to paddle! The Ringer is designed to be custom fit to your body without a lot of bells and whistles. Simplistic, functional, and lightweight. When you first unbox your Ringer you’ll find it suspended in the tough cardboard box, and wrapped in...
by Eric Jackson | Mar 14, 2023 | EJ's Blog, Resources, Whitewater Blogs, Whitewater Resources
Quality isn’t a marketing term. Quality can be measured, seen, felt, and experienced on the water. Here are the steps taken and outcomes that result from those steps to create the undeniable quality when you see, touch, and paddle this boat. Luckily, my dad...
by Eric Jackson | Jan 22, 2023 | EJ's Blog, Whitewater Blogs
this Rebound is on the weigh scale for final Q/C ready to be packaged! I only made one of this color- it will go fast, I think. What a ride it has been getting to the place! I am very proud of these boats. The design is ready for prime time and it is my first boat...
by Eric Jackson | Dec 28, 2022 | EJ's Blog, Product Information, Resources, Whitewater Blogs, Whitewater Resources
Understanding the Apex Rebound is the goal for this Blog. How the boat is made, how it performs, how to maintain it, etc.. This is your resource for ownership of the Rebound. 22 Minute Walkthrough Video here. First let’s discuss Performance- The boat is a joy to...
by Eric Jackson | Oct 26, 2022 | EJ's Blog, Fishing Blogs, News
This year’s National Championships was held on Kentucky and Barkley Lakes and Tributaries. The timing was a bit rough for me being the week after the World Cup and USA National Championships for Freestyle Kayaking so training was not ideal. Not only that, on...