by Eric Jackson | May 25, 2023 | EJ's Blog, Instructional, Resources, Whitewater Blogs, Whitewater Resources
KC Jackson showing off his Phase 3 with Cheryl Hullings watching. PHASE 3 is Just you, the paddle, the boat, and the roll… however, you are going to tip over in “roll position” which is better said as “brace position”. This means that your...
by Eric Jackson | May 24, 2023 | EJ's Blog, Instructional, Resources, Rolling and Bracing, Whitewater Blogs, Whitewater Resources
PHASE 2: The hip-snap using your paddle on something solid – After you are good at Phase 1, hip-snapping with your hands on something solid it is time to practice doing it with your paddle. The concept is the same and the only difference is that you will hold...
by Eric Jackson | May 22, 2023 | EJ's Blog, Instructional, Strokes and Concepts, Whitewater Blogs, Whitewater Resources
The Kayak Roll Defined by EJ- Definition of a Good Roll- “Rolling up the first time, every time.” Definition of a Great Roll- “Rolling up the first time, every time, really fast.” what kind of fish does this? a Carp… Cheryl learns to roll quickly using the...
by Eric Jackson | May 3, 2023 | EJ's Blog, Fishing Blogs, Fishing Resourcs, Instructional, Resources, Whitewater Blogs, Whitewater Resources
People who are new to a composite boat tend to be stressed out about breaking it. This is a case of “Fear of the Unknown”. Paddlers who have owned composite boats over the years know what maintenance is about, know what kinds of abuse the boat can and can’t take,...
by Eric Jackson | Apr 20, 2023 | EJ's Blog, Instructional, Product Information, Whitewater Blogs, Whitewater Resources
My boat ready to paddle! The Ringer is designed to be custom fit to your body without a lot of bells and whistles. Simplistic, functional, and lightweight. When you first unbox your Ringer you’ll find it suspended in the tough cardboard box, and wrapped in...
by Eric Jackson | Jan 9, 2022 | Instructional, Product Information, Resources
Magnets hold scissors and pliers OK, so it is that time, either you now have your new Tyr, or it is coming soon and you want to know best practices for taking care of it! The beauty of this boat is that it is super low maintenance. However, there are a few dos and...